
Time Series Analysis Methods for Better Business Decision-making Time series analysis is one of the most common data types encountered in daily life. Most companies use  time series forecasting  to help them develop business strategies.  These methods have been used to monitor, clarify, and predict certain ‘cause and effect’ behaviours.  In a nutshell, time series analysis helps to understand how the past influences the future. Today,  Artificial Intelligence  (AI) and Big Data have redefined business forecasting methods. This article walks you through 5 specific time series methods. Definition of Time Series Time series is a sequence of time-based data points collected at specific intervals of a given phenomenon that undergoes changes over time. It is indexed according to time.  The four variations to time series are (1) Seasonal variations (2) Trend variations (3) Cyclical variations, and (4) Random variations. Time Series Analysis is used to determine a good model that can be used t